
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lost in Bloggy World

I follow a good number of blogs.  By follow, I mean I have them in my Google Reader and every once in awhile remember that I'm supposed to look at it.  Now that's not entirely true for all of them, because some blogs I remember to look at regularly, but I'm not going to lie and say that it's that way for all of them.  For example, I have 294 posts in my Reader to take a gander at.  Guess what?  Not gonna happen.  I'll skim, but that's about it.

As with everything in life, I go through ups and downs with my reading {and apparently, writing, ahem} blog posts.  Most blogs I read are crafty blogs and I'm in need of some serious craft-spiration right now, but it seems to be eluding me.

I'm having some difficulties in balancing the many things I'd like to do in my life.  Don't get me wrong ~ I'm not in that out of control, how can I deal with everything in my life spin, in which I sometimes find myself ~ but I haven't found the right combo yet.  It'll come in time.  Anyway.... one of those things is crafting!  I want to craft, but I haven't balanced it yet.  I also haven't figured out what I want to craft.  SOOOOOO many ideas and I just don't have that push to start any of them.  As Bravo says, "Watch What Happens!"

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