
Sunday, March 21, 2010

And the Winners Are...

GAH!  I didn't post the giveaway winners yet!  How could that have happened?  I ended up picking two winners, because, well, two people entered.  See, here at The Answers Are Simple, EVERYONE'S A WINNER...literally!

Many congratulations to
1. Kristen 
2. Jen
for winning a set of chargers (and no Kristen, they are not San Diego Chargers, though they might be more fun to 'play' with if they were!).  Email me addresses ladies, and I'll get these puppies in the mail.  I'm actually hoping to see Jen turn them into something even cooler over at Tatertots & Jello {*hint, hint*} but either way, it was fun to give something away!

And now I'll like to give a shout out to the five new followers who've joined this week!  Big snaps for you! Thanks for following and enjoy the ride.

Now... back to work for me.  It is Sunday, which means I've snuck five or so minutes away from my paid job to jump on and make this announcement.  The Good Lord is cracking the whip now and telling me to get back to planning Youth Sunday.  I'm on it, Big Guy, I'm on it.

Peace out,

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